Dr. Mark-Oliver Otto
Dr. Mark-Oliver Otto was admitted to the bar in 2004.
After completing his doctorate, Dr. Otto started his career as a lawyer with the law firm of Watson, Farley & Williams LLP, where he mainly advised on renewable energy topics before starting his own law firm in 2010.
At KWR, Mark-Oliver advises national and international clients on the purchase and sale of renewable energy projects. His focus is on the areas of corporate law, corporate structuring/restructuring, sale and purchase of corporate interests (M&A) and project documentation for wind- and solar projects.
Languages: German, English, Swedish
Memberships: Dr. Otto is a member of the legal advisory committee of the federal association of the wind energy sector (Bundesverband Windenergie e.V.) and the Vereinigung Gesellschaftsrechtlicher Kreis Hamburg, e.V., an association of corporate lawyers. Dr. Otto held a scholarship from Studienstiftung der Deutschen Wirtschaft and is a member of the alumni organisation.
Foreign experience: South Africa, Sweden
Publications (in German):
- On special purpose companies in family-owned businesses: Sinn und Zweck von Projektgesellschaften bei Familienunternehmen, Betriebs-Berater 2012, S. 731
- On the begin of claim limitation periods in German law: Rechtsunkenntnis und Verjährungsbeginn, VersR 2009, S. 760
- On insolvency law: Änderung des insolvenzrechtlichen Überschuldungsbegriffes durch das Finanzmarktstabilisierungsgesetz, MDR 2008, S. 1369
- On civil law: Plate, Das gesamte examensrelevante Zivilrecht, Heidelberg
- On the begin of claim limitation periods in German law: Kenntnis und grobfahrlässige Unkenntnis als Ursache des Verjährungsbeginns, Dissertation, Hamburg 2006
- On media law: Mediengesetzgebung – Zukunftsgestaltung oder Wettbewerbshindernis? 20. Tagung der deutschen Gesellschaft für Gesetzgebung (DGG) am 13. April 1999 in Marl, ZG 1999, 364
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